Pen Pals

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New Pen-Pals!!!!!!!!!

Ima Monkey
10 years old 4567 Gorilla blvd Apeland, MN 8910
Hobbies: climbing trees and eating bannas.

Barb Dwire
19 years old 123 Donotenter Dr. Cleveland Park OH 1234
Hobbies: Basketball and playing the trombone and clarinet.

Justin Time
14 years old 789 Clock Dr. Watch, TX 101112
Hobbies: Getting to places on time.

Sally Mander
1 years old 40 Snake Dr. Amphibia, KY 1111
Hobbies: Gymnastics. She hates salamanders.

Mark Ere
4 years old 345 Watercolor Dr. Pencil, MD 6789
Hobbies: Drawing and eating play-dough.

Rita Book
8 years old 1357 Pages Rd. Written, PA 17101
Hobbies: Reading and writing.

Miss Elaine E. S.
100 years old, 170 Sorta Ave. Kinda, MT 666
Hobbies: School and pondering over things

Shirley U. Arkidding
7 years old,, 2222 Joking Ln. Ojibiwa QH 12321
Hobbies: Flirting with her 140 boyfriends. She suggests boys write to her, not girls.

Mac Aroni
13 years old, 1112 Cheese Rd. Noodle, VA 2468
Hobbies: Eating and making moldy cheese that kills his annoying brother and his cat because the cheese smells so bad.

Amanda Hugankis
15 years old; 8556 Lovely Road. Romantic Idaho, 77864
Hobbies include sitting near people looking for love, if you like Amanda write to her.

Olle Taboogre'
Age 7 3454 Mucus Lane. Sneexy Florida, 99465
Hobbies include "pickin' and flickin'" sneezing, making sculptures with used tissues.

Al Calcoholic
17 years old 1234 Sack St. Bailey Hawaii, 46385
Hobbies include making drinks for catered parties,working at bars,and sleeping late and being scared of noise.

I.P. Freely
Age 3 3134 Jingle Road. Sipp Kansas,65437
Hobbies are not proper for this "G" rated website.

Hue Jazz
24 years old; 9045 Rump Road.7763 Boote' Iowa 88564
Hobbies- first class plane rides, eating, and relaxing.

Jacques Strapp
Age 43 4456 Leather St. Hide Georgia 75643
Hobbies include FOOTBALL!!!!!

Mike Rotch
Age 1143 email; mikey'

Semore Butts
Age 2 1233 Goodie Road. Sweets Kentucky, 43264
Hobbies he loves chew toys.

Ibona Tinkle
Age 14 7548 Puddle Road. Squirts Indiana, 57483
Hobbies are playing light,clinking instruments.

Harry Chest
Age 38.984576535 P.O.Box 1234567890 Fungi Rd. Pinkfungusville, Jupiter
Hobbies are sitting on a couch, watching football, and gaining weight.

Anita Cookie
123 years young 123 Chocolate Ln. Montana MT 123
Hobbies include making and eating cookies

Dan Druff
43 years old 1819 White Rd. Flakey PA 20212
Hobbies are scratching scalp and developing lice shampoos.

E-Mail or Send us YOUR name, age, adress (e-mail or regular) and Hobbies/Intrests